
  • Profilbild Jorge2k3

    Hi, I'm Jorge...I'm from Argentina, passionate about fishing and getting to know local practices. now I started searching how to get the fishing license, looks like all trainings and tests are in deutch... unfortunately I haven't learned the language, do you know any schools that may run the training in English?

    also, if you speak English or Spanish contact me!!! maybe we can help each other.

    I will be trying to learn deutch in the following months, hope this helps me to get in the topic 100% 💪

    all the best, looking forward for your advice!

    26.10.24 17:18 5
  • Profilbild smellslikebleach

    Sorry to say but you are in Germany. If you want a licencense, it's in German only because of juristical reasons.

    26.10.24 17:42 1
  • Profilbild Dodi1907

    Maybe you can buy the Books in German and translate ist into your preferred Language

    26.10.24 19:00 1
  • Werbung
  • Profilbild Fischkopf Larry

    Para pescar en Alemania tu necesitas una licencia. Esa liecencia puedes Acer online o en un curso presencial.
    Online se jama Fishing king. No se si ese curso está en español pero en el curso presencial te dan un traductor.
    Ese curso tarda unos fines de semana. Después tienes tu examen. Todo que necesitas saber te lo disen en el curso. El examen solo está en aleman pero también te dan un traductor.

    26.10.24 19:01 2
  • Profilbild andi252

    Hi Jorge, you should contact your „untere Fischereibehörde“. They are responsable for the Fishing Licenses and may be able to help you. It may be possible that you can bring an Interpreter to the test.

    26.10.24 19:42 1
  • Profilbild Fischkopf Larry

    Dependiendo en qué estado vivas varía los regicidios.

    26.10.24 19:45 2
  • Werbung
  • Profilbild andi252

    You can check Fishing in the netherlands. You dont need a license there. It is easier to get into fishing there.

    26.10.24 19:51 1
  • Profilbild Plötzenjäger

    Der antwortet garanicht, trotz eurer Mühe. Scheint mir wieder so ein KI- generierter Fake-Angler zu sein m

    26.10.24 20:13 1
  • Profilbild Fischkopf Larry

    Oder da ist wem langweilig gewesen🤷‍♂️
    Aber ich glaub da noch dran. Er hat ja erst vor zwei Stunden geschrieben

    26.10.24 20:16 4
  • Profilbild Jorge2k3

    hi thanks for the inputs, I will search for the local places where they do the practice and ask if it's possible to do it in English. my idea is to use the online app in deutch for the theory part (it may take time but maybe I can do it).

    again thanks for the input!

    27.10.24 11:12 0
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